Post by damien on Jul 13, 2012 19:32:58 GMT -4
Head mates:
Pronunciation: He-Es-Is
Season Born In:Fall
He’esis has a good strong face. He’s ruggedly handsome, and as a man that normally smiles, whether its wicked, cruel or with good humor, smile lines have already began to form around his eyes and generous mouth. His nose is too big for classic good looks, giving him an almost hawk like appearance. His square jaw and high cheekbones frame a face almost always covered with light stubble. He tends to cultivate the persona that he’s unwashed; though he spends a goodly amount of time keeping his body and hair clean.
A widow’s peak of light brown hair, length alternating from jaw to ear width, does nothing to stop his ‘mused, I just woke up’ look. Usually it hangs in his face, or is brushed back haphazardly.
He’esis eyes are a light hazel in color.
Like most riders He’esis is covered in his fair share of scars. His most obvious set though happens to be his left hand, where he’s missing his pinky finger and the first digit of the ring finger. Scars are thick around the stump and fingers, and the left hand has little to no feeling in it anymore. He can only bend his fingers to an extent, and tends to just use his left hand as something to rest objects on.
Personality: Two good sized paragraphs, try to say four different things at least
Family: Also please state their job *ie. K'rah, rider of Blue Haventh*
Location:From Ista Weyr-newly permanently transferred to Trellis to fill the gap of a senior healer.
Rank: Senior Healer
Wing/Pack: ??
History: Thre•
Type: dragon
Rank: Epidote(Female)
Size:32 feet
Color Codes:
Appearance: 1 Paragraph at Least
Delightful|Functioning Psychopath|Hoarder
Aioth is naturally passionate and chivalrous, often giving into the impulse to be generous to the point of foolishness. She leaps to the defense of others that appear weaker(either physically or mentally) even when she is out matched. Her idealism is firmly rooted in compassion, but she's too much in the clouds to base her dreams on the practical.
When her strong loyalties force her into conflict, she tears himself up no matter which she chooses, always doubting her own judgement. She grew up in the shadow of the other dragons, being neither ebony, black, green or male. She felt as though the stares were mocking and some of them were. Growing up, much like her rider she developed her own little quirk, which when viewed frightens almost everyone off.
Aioth unlike other dragons, refuses to eat when other dragons, or humans are around. She's reclusive in her eating habits and tends to keep it around night time, though during the day she will periodically disappear for around a candlemark before coming back. Aioth almost always impales her food on the sharp rock formations near cliffs. She leaves the grisly trophy till later when she can come back and eat it. Some times though later ends up being to late and she merely leaves the sun bloated corpse where it is and hunts up something else. She will not use her own claws or jaws to end a creatures life.
She's not as stupid as some would have her but woefully ignorant in many regards, and often too hot-headed to use what intelligence she does have before she's already in the water with the sharks. She longs to do what is right, and when she falls short of her own standards, she pines.
She is extremely devoted to her small family(He'esis, Anders, Cleetus, etc). The dishonorable actions any of them commit she is quick to try and cover up though at the same time she aches over what they have done.
Aioth has a collection, her 'hoard' you see. Like dragons of earth myth, this collection is large enough for her to curl up on. She's attracted to bright shiny things like a magpie and takes them all(some times she even remembers to ask!). Things like spoons, feathers, shells, pieces of metal and glass are all part of her collection and with much groaning and moaning, devotedly carried from home to home by her rider.
She also jokingly says she collects humans since He'esis is a multiple system. She almost has a complete set.
Mind-Voice (If applicable):
Insert some type of message your bonded would most likely say.
How the voice sounds, any interesting inflections it has and the like, can be bulleted.